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Each week, your child is expected to read their school book 3 times a week

Your child can access their Reading Eggs account and complete stages on their map journey.

Additionally, with the timetable test this year, your child can log in to their Timetable Rockstar Account daily to complete 10 minute exercises of their choice.

Weekly Mathletics tasks will be set for your child in relation to the work we complete in class. 

Don't forget to also practise your spellings ready for our test on a Friday morning.


Homework Project

This half term, our topic question is 'Have you got your passport ready?'. In class, we will be studying a region of south-east Spain. At home, I would like you to pick any European Region and answer the following questions;

  • What do you know already about this region? What would you like to know or find out?
  • Where is the region located? How far away is this region? How might people travel there?
  • What is the physical geography like e.g. climate, landscape, rivers, mountains etc? What distinctive features does the region have?
  • What is the human geography like e.g. settlement size, transport, tourist attractions, economic activity and trade links?
  • Why have towns and cities developed where they are?
  • How does location, climate etc. have a bearing on economic activity in the region?
  • What are the similarities and differences between this region and the region of the UK that has been explored previously in Year Three?
  • What are the lives of children in this region like? How are their lives similar to ours? What would it be like to live in this place? 


You can answer these questions and present them in a leaflet, on a PowerPoint Presentation, as a piece of writing, as a model with writing, the list is endless! You choose! Can't wait to see these finished pieces and give out Dojo points!
