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Thursday 4th February

Hi Reception children, I am back!  Today we will continue to learn about Kenya and we will be looking at some traditions which take place there.


Here is your phonics for today - 


I am learning to recognise and describe 3D shapes  

Today we will continue to look at 3D shapes and their names.  You found lots of shapes around your homes yesterday.  Let’s have a look at some more! 

I would like you to have a go at building with 3D shapes ( you may have blocks or you can use tins, toilet rolls, tin foil, food boxes, books – anything really!) 

Can all 3D shapes be stacked one on top of the other?  Why not?  Talk about straight faces and curved faces.  What happens if you stack different shapes on top of each other? 

Take a picture of some of your best buildings.



Today will also focus on speaking and listening skills.  This is a really important part of learning in Reception Class.  Try and get your child to ask as many how and why questions.

Maasai warriors traditionally carry a spear and a shield.  These are used to protect them from enemies and also to help them catch animals to eat.  The Masai people take a lot of pride in their shields and they use repeating patterns (just like we did in Maths last week) to decorate their shields.  I would like you to have a go at designing your own shield.  What things would you put on there to show how brave you are?  which colours will you use and why?


PSHE - Children's mental health week. 
