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What a busy week!

Well, what a busy week we have planned in school this week!  Here are the key dates for you:


Tuesday 8th December - The last day for children to bring Christmas cards in for their friends - this is so we can keep all of the cards together or 72 hours before handing them out to all children.


Wednesday 9th December- Christmas Dinner Day.


Wednesday 9th December - Father Christmas will be making a socially distanced appearance with a sack of presents for each class.


Thursday !0th December - Fundraising day for Luke ( details of this will have come out from each class teacher separately).


Thursday 10th December - Final day to purchase raffle tickets for the chocolate tombola.


Friday 11th December - Christmas Jumper Day and parties/pantomime (as we are ensuring that children adhere to social distancing guidelines as far as possible, parties will involve snacks for the children whilst watching a pantomime which has been purchased by the PTA.  They have also provided popcorn for all children and school will provide other treats too so there is no need for children to bring anything in.)  On this day, children are to wear school uniform but with a Christmas jumper.


Friday 11th December - Chocolate tombola will be drawn.

