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Summer 2 Week 5 Thursday

Good afternoon Year 2. It's been an interesting day here......Miss Stott called me to ask me about something and while I was speaking on the phone, Lucas started screaming in the kitchen. He was busy baking Chocolate Castles and the tray was about to fall on the floor! When I finished speaking to Miss Stott, I went into the kitchen to tidy up and mysteriously there were only 9 Chocolate Castles when I know 10 had come out of the oven! I wonder where the last one went?


Lots of fabulous work for you to look at on our photos section.


Enjoy the rest of the day

Mrs Hill

Good morning, I hope you are all OK? I'm looking forward to our Zoom call tomorrow morning, please make sure your grown-up has checked the email for the login details.


What are you going to be learning today? You will be researching some big cats!

In Maths you will be measuring in millilitres. A good opportunity for some practical learning, but don’t make a mess or your grown-ups will be cross with me!

Today’s topic is a different language lesson. It’s Georgia’s favourite; German. She would love you to send some videos of you speaking German and I might even get her to reply!


Today's challenge:


Have a good day everyone, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


Mrs Hill
