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Tuesday 12th January

Good morning Reception Class.  It was so lovely to see you all yesterday and you sent in some fabulous work, I can't wait to see what you do today!


Phonics sessions will now take place in groups and I have sent out individual times on Teams.  Please log in to Oxford Owl First using this log in - 

Oxford Owl for School and Home

User name - npsreception1

Password - NPS1234

I will then be teaching phonics to everyone who is learning at home at the specified times.

At 11:00 there will be a live Teams lesson for Maths.  We will be focussing on teens numbers again and making sure that children are developing an understanding of how teens numbers (and 11 and 12) are made up.  The activity will be similar to yesterday but today children will be recording their calculations using a + and = sign - eg 10+2 =12.

Please send me photos of the work they achieve and if you're child is struggling with any aspect of this then please message either on Teams or email and I can arrange a 1-1 session.


For our literacy and topic work we will continue to learn about the emperor penguin.  Today we will be learning about the life cycle and children will be asked to draw their own life cycle which I will demonstrate during the live session.


For this afternoons topic session children will be learning about energy. 

Go on an energy hunt - look for electrical appliances that use energy (inc. lights). 

When you return, share what you have found. Explain to the children that using too much electricity or wasting it can harm our environment. 

Show ways/images of saving electricity or making clean energy e.g. wind farms, water mills, energy saving light bulbs, switching things off when not in use (safety considerations to be discussed). 

Do you have any other ideas of how to save electricity? Children can draw a picture, label and then if parents could write the comments the children make that would be great.  Again, please send photos of this work.

Miss Nuttall and Mrs French will be collecting the work evidence so please email either or


Take care and I will see you all soon! 

Mrs Ewens.


Well done. Some more fantastic work today 🌟🌟
