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World Book Day in Year 6!

Today is World Book Day and Year 6 carried on their work around David Walliams! During the morning, we focussed on the books World's Worst Children! First we listened to the story of Grubby Gertrude who fell victim to her own grubbiness and then the children created their own Rubbish Monsters and wrote a short story to accompany them! After that, we listened to the story of Blubbering Bertha who was based on David Walliams' sister who loved to get him into trouble! Blubbering Bertha ended up getting caught out by her own lies! The class then created their own character for the World's Worst Children! Finally in the afternoon, the children shared their stories they had written from the morning, then we played the Yes/No game! For the last activity, we focussed on Grandpa's Great Escape where the children got to create their very own spitfires and complete a selfie of themselves with Grandpa! Excellent work Year 6!