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3.1.21 Remote Learning

Spellings - Look, Cover, Say, Write, Check!

Maths warm up - can you match these 3s? We've got multiplications, arrays, repeated addition and the answer!

Literacy - Rights Respecting School.

Article 7 – birth registration, name, nationality, care


Every child has the right to be registered at birth, to have a name and nationality, and, as far as possible, to know and be cared for by their parents.


Create a sign with your name on – this could be with paper and pen, paint or a collage with indoor or outdoor materials. Can you write an acrostic poem with your name and words that describe you?

Next to it or underneath it,

Draw an identity hand!

Draw around one of your hands, write your full name in the thumb area, in the next finger, write your date of your birth, put the country you call home in the next finger. Then in the last two fingers, write the names of two adults who are important for you, like you parents, carers or grandparents. Draw the flag of your nationality on the palm. Finish your picture with your favourite colours or designs.

Jenny Introduces Article 7

Maths - Mental addition

Today is going to be about working out addition sums in your head. If you have a sum like 24 + 11, what's the easiest way to do it in your head? Imagine a number line starting with 24. Then partition (break up) 11 into 10 and 1.


It's then easier to add the 10 and 1 to 24 to 'jump' to the answer.

Check on Mathletics where you'll have some addition sums you need to work out mentally (in your head!), and a bit of practice on those number bonds. Good luck!

RE - Sikhism

In RE we'll be looking at the Sikh festival of Baisakhi, also called Vaisakhi. What is it and why is it celebrated? What's the story behind it? Have a look at the links below;

On PurpleMash, you have a new task all about this festival. Can you tell me about the history and meanings behind this important festival?


What is the Sikh festival of Vaisakhi? | Religious Studies - My Life, My Religion: Sikhism

Eleven-year-old Simran takes us to the Vaisakhi (Sikh New Year) celebrations and parade in her hometown of Birmingham.
