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Thursday 17th December

Last day of Term!




In Literacy today we are going to create a acrostic poem about Christmas. 
When you think of Christmas, what pops into your head? 


An acrostic poem is a poem which the first letter of each line spells out a word.


Why not have a go at your own acrostic poem using the word SANTA?



In Maths we are having a challenge morning. I have provided you with a selection of tasks linked to time.

  • Ordering days of the months
  • Ordering days of the year
  • Ordering the thins from the slowest to the fastest
  • Time problem solving cards
  • Time forwards and backward challenge cards


Give yourself a time limit for each task and see how much you can do. Some activities are trickier than others but I know you can do it!


Most of all, have fun!
