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W/B 23rd Nov 2020


Last day of the week!! whoop whoop....Today is Literacy and we are writing sentences based on Edgar-

Edgar is sad when .........because...........

The children are angry when .............because................

Ava is worried when ............because.....................

Edgar gets excited when ...............because....................

Have a go at completing them. 

We are continuing with our work on The Great Fire of London. Can you write a diary entry for a day this week? What have you done, felt etc....don't forget to write in full sentences! Can you add a picture?

For R.E. today we are looking at all the religious parts of Christmas- can you draw and label them? e.g. a christingle, Nativity scene.....

Have a lovely day and a good weekend,




Today we are doing P.E. this morning. Could you have a go with Joe wicks online P.E sessions? They are really fun and kept us going during lockdown! 

For maths today we are going to be splitting shapes and numbers into halves and quarters. Have a go at the following activities. Start halving first and then halve again to make a quarter. Let me know how you have got on. 


Fraction Find game
Children play in pairs.
Each player scoops up a cupful of cubes.
These are tipped out and counted.
If the number of cubes can be halved exactly, they score two points.
Children may need to share the cubes onto a shape split into two equal pieces.
If the number can be divided exactly into quarters they score four points.
They keep a tally of their score.
The winner is the first person to 20 points.

This afternoon we are having a zoom session with Whittaker museum. What do you think the following objects are?


folding shapes.



Today our focus in class is Literacy.  We have been looking at the story of Edgar the dragon and how he ruins everything for the village.  Today we have a letter from Edgar saying sorry for everything he has one.  Read the letter with your grown up and have a go at answering the questions.  There are 3 letters to choose from, each one is a bit trickier so choose the one that challenges you,

For our Numeracy area today we are practising sorting odd and even numbers. Have a go at sorting into the venn diagram below number below 10 and odd. The middle circle is for both below 10 and odd, the odd circle for odd numbers that are above 10 and the first circle below 10 that is even if your number doesn't fit any of these it goes on the outside (even and above 10).......sort these numbers 8,3,11,18,20,17, 15, 1. Can you add your own?

We are collecting in forest school today to make Christmas wreaths- Cut out a polo mint shape and stick on natural objects you can find in the garden. 

Have a good day!



Today our focus in class is Maths.  We will be looking at fractions of shapes.  Below are two fractions activity sheets for you to try.  Remember that for a shape to be split into fractions, each part has to be equal to the others (all parts the same size).  The bottom number of the fraction (denominator) tells us how many parts the shape or object is split into and the top number (numerator) tells us how many parts have been shaded.  


In PSHE we are talking about how we feel when we lose something.  Discuss these questions with your grown up;

Have you ever lost something?

How did you feel when you lost it?

Why do we get upset when we lose things?

Did you find what you lost?  How did you feel when you found it?

Have you ever lost something and not found it?  What did you do?  


Can you draw a picture of yourself when you have lost something and write down words or sentences to describe how you feel?  Then draw a picture of you when you have found what you had lost and write down words and sentences to describe how you feel then.  


Remember to email me your work so that I can see how you are doing and show the class.


Mrs E & Mrs D


PS:  Don't forget reading eggs and mathletics too!




Today in Literacy we are focusing on copying up our stories about Edgar neatly onto paper for our display.  Can you copy your story up neatly onto the paper below and draw a picture to go with it?  Bring it in when you are allowed back to school and we will put it on our display with the others. 


Extra task  -  building sentences.  Choose words from the list below and put them into a sentence.  Make sure you use full stops, capital letters (especially for names) and finger spaces.  Can you put any of them into questions and use question marks?


tree     decorate          elf          Santa          tinsel         fairy             lights                


In music we are listening to music with a fire theme.  Can you listen to Chariots of Fire and draw a picture and write about what it made you imagine in your head as you listened to it?  What instruments could you hear?  Was if a fast or slow piece of music?  What did it make you feel?  Happy?  Sad?  Excited?


Construction - can you use something at home (lego, play dough etc) to make a dragon like Edgar from the story?  Send a picture in and we can show the class.


Don't forget to go on Reading Eggs and Mathletics too - in Mathletics try the shape activities as this is what we have been working on in class.


Mrs E & Mrs D
