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Friday 22nd January

Good morning Reception Class.  Here is your learning for today.

Maths - 

I am learning to double and halve numbers. 

Today we will be recapping doubles and halves.  Talk about the rules of doubling and halving (when we double a number we must add the same number to it and when we halve a number each part must be equal).  A work sheet is attached which you can either print and complete or you can complete the questions practically. 

Literacy - 

I am learning to write a sentence. 

After all you have learned about Inuit people this week, I would like you to look at the differences between their lives and yours.  On one piece of paper write Weir at the top and on another write Greenland.  Draw pictures to show what is common in these areas and then label them.  Look at all the differences! 

Phonics - 

Rag the Rat – Read all of the book and then write your own page – rag the rat with his big top hat … 

Nog in the Fog – Push the bus - Page 18 

Comprehension questions 


Letters to practice – x, d, c, m, y, s 

Hold a sentence – A bus is stuck in mud. 

Letters to practice – x, d, c, m, y, s 

Words to write – mum, mat, not, sit, dim 

Practice all sounds verbally. 

Well done Reception class. Enjoy your weekend.
