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Monday 1st March

Good morning Reception Class.  This is your last Monday learning from home and next week we should all be back together again.  We can't wait to see all your lovely smiling faces back in school!

Phonics - 

See attached phonics plan.


Maths - 

I am learning to identify 1p and 2p coins.   

This week we are going to be learning about money.  We are going to begin to recognise 1p and 2p coins and their value.  We will talk about how a 2p coin is the same value as 2, 1p coins.   

I am learning to identify 1p and 2p coins.  I would like you to have a go at playing shops and paying for items in your shop with 1p coins.  Send me some pictures so I can see how you get on! 


Literacy/topic - 


I am learning to write labels. 

Today is St David’s Day.  What do you know about this special day?  Today we are going to find out lots of information about it. 


In school we are going to be completing observational drawings of daffodils as they are the symbol of Wales.  When we complete this we are going to be looking closely at real daffodils and then trying to copy them using a pencil.  You can then colour them in.  After this I would like you to have a go at labelling your daffodil. 
