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Summer 2 Week 2 Overview

Hi everyone and welcome to another week!


It's me, Mrs Egan again this week running the website and online work so any problems email me as usual at


I have seen all your brilliant work that you did for Mrs Dixon last week and I have been keeping an eye out on Reading Eggs and Mathletics so look out on the certificate pages to see who has been working extra hard lately!


Below is your weekly overview and the Literacy resources from Lancashire that you will need for this week.  You have BBC Bitesize tasks for Numeracy and then a mixture of Bitesize tasks and some other tasks for your topic work - I can't wait to see what you produce!


Keep checking the daily pages on our website for the extra resources that you might need each day and also I will add in a couple of extra challenges too!


Have a great week everyone - we miss you all so much!


Mrs E heart
