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Wednesday 10th February

Live sessions will only take place during the morning on Wednesday's.

Good morning Reception Class.  Here is your learning for today.  Remember to have lots of breaks and lots of fun with the grown up who is looking after you at home too!

Phonics - 



Maths - 

I am learning to use positional language 

Activities for Exploring Positional Language - Little Lifelong Learners 

We talk about the position of things in class all of the time and many of you are really confident following positional instructions.  I would like you to have a go at the attached picture activity.  If you don’t have a printer then either you or a grown up can draw the pictures first and then follow the instructions. 


Literacy/topic - 

I am learning to order instructions. 

On Wednesday's we don't have live sessions in the afternoon.  Today you will be learning about Ash Wednesday.  Talk to your grown up about Ash Wednesday and think about things you could resist during Lent if you were Christian. Then, using Purple Mash ( your child’s log in will be in their reading record but if you are struggling to find it just email me) I would like you to complete the 2DO and sequence making a pancake. 



I am learning to understand my rights and the importance of 

Article 24 “the right to health care”. 

Article 24 tells us that children have the right to be healthy and happy, both mentally and physically.  

Think about a place or activity that makes you happy.  What is special about these things?  This afternoon I would like you to spend time to have fun and enjoy the things that keep you healthy.  I'd love to see what you chose!
