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Remote Learning 17.1.23

Good morning

Your resources for remote learning are in the files listed below.



Read and complete the questions from the sheet below.

I have also set activities on Mathletics.

You can also use Times Table Rockstars



Complete an activity on Reading Eggs or read from your home reading book.

Practice your spellings.



Read through the space poems which are on the poster document below. Then answer the questions on the document below about the poems. 

After you have done this, you can make your own poem about the alien you created this week. There is an activity for this on Purple Mash in your 2Dos.



Research the moon landing and and write a fact file about it. There is an activity set for this on Purple Mash.



You can complete the homework activities which were sent home with you yesterday.


Miss Collins and Myself will be available for contact via email or through class Dojo if you need us for anything during the day.

