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Week 3 Wednesday

Did anyone guess what was in the box? A pot of caterpillars! If we'd been in school our new topic would have been 'What lives around us?' I will look after the caterpillars and upload photos daily so you can see how quickly they are growing.

We've reached the end of another day of home learning. I'm really proud of the work you are doing at home and it is wonderful when you send photos of yourselves via email; I'm missing you all and love to see what you have been busy doing. Well done to those who have been completing the lessons on Reading Eggs, Mrs Rothwell is keeping track of your points and will upload certificates on Friday. I'm going to enjoy the sunshine in my garden this evening, I've done a lot of work on my laptop today so need some fresh air!

Good morning, it's another sunny day here! On my journey to work this morning (from my kitchen to my dining room) I've listened to the birds singing and enjoyed the sunshine through the window!


For your tasks today you are going to carry on with multiplication on Purple Mash. Did anyone listen to the Percy Parker multiplication song yesterday? Your parents might not be thanking me if you did! For Literacy we are going to start writing our story set on Peak Dale Farm. I've written the start of my story and I'd like you to write the start of yours. You might want to use the same problem for Valentine or you might want to think of your own problem. For today's writing you need to introduce the setting, characters and what has happened. Nothing more.....we'll carry on with solving the problem in the story tomorrow. How are your DT farm vehicles coming along? Don't forget you have a lesson on Reading Eggs and Mrs Rothwell has been enjoying looking at your work on Purple Mash, make sure you save it in your folders.


Did you look at the photo of the parcel that arrived for us yesterday? What do you think was in the box? I'll upload a photo later so if you've any ideas you can email them to me. I wonder if anyone guesses correctly.


Today's daily challenge: There are 15 girls in our class. 6 have shoes with laces, the others have shoes with buckles. How many shoes have buckles?


