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Mile a Day

As part of the governments initiative to help our children to become and stay fitter we have started the 'mile a day' in school today.  Every class has a 15 min timed slot during the day where we will try to run around the yard to cover a mile(16 laps!). In Reception and Year 1 we are sharing our slot and trying to run for 5 mins initially to see how many laps we can do.  Each day we are going to try to beat our number of laps and see if we can run for a little longer each time before stopping for a walking break.  Mrs Ewens even joined in with us today and some of us found that we were faster than her which really boosted our confidence, although Mrs Ewens' confidence seemed to head in the opposite direction!  cheeky


We can't wait to see how our fitness levels increase over the weeks ahead! 
