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Remote Learning 17.1.23

Here is your work for today:


LO: I am learning to create a plan to write a diary as Macbeth using emotive language.

You're going to be writing a diary in class about the events in Macbeth so far. You have to imagine you are Macbeth and put all your feelings into the diary.


Write diary in the middle of your page. Then draw 6 boxes around it like a mind map - see picture below. Write the numbers and titles in each box like in the picture. Then add 2 to 4 sentences about what happens in that part and 2 emotive words (words that describe how you would be feeling). Use Word Hippo if you want to challenge yourself. I have done box 1 so read mine and then complete the rest to the same standard as mine.

After you have completed the work - you can watch the next clip - This does not need to be on your diary plan.


LO: I am learning to solve ratio problems.

You are going to use last week's learning to solve these ratio problems. Remember it is multiplying or dividing.

Here are some hints to help you with each question (if you need them).

Remember it is multiplying or dividing.

1. Remember the word that is written first is the first number in the ratio - so for example in question 1,for every 2 circles there are 3 squares. If there are 4 circles there would be 6 squares.

2. Look for how they have got from the number in the first column to the number in the second column - this will help you complete the rest of the table. 

3. If there was 1 adult and now there are 8, how have they got from 1 to 8? Do this to the number of children to get the answer.

4. a) How have they got from 1 apple to 10 apples? This will help you work out the number of oranges.

     b) How have they got from 4 oranges to 12? This will help you work out the number of apples.

5  a) Think - how have they got from 2 horses to 8 horses? This will help you work out the number of bales needed.

     b) Think - how have they got from 2 horses to 1 horse? This will help you work out the number of bales needed.

     c) Think - how have they got from 3 bales to 18 bales? This will; help you work out the number of horses.

6. Write out and label the ratio column - then put a total column at the end. For example - 2 blue:3 green:5 total.

Then put 20 under the total column and ask how they got from 5 to 20. Once you work that out, do it to the number of blue balloons for the answer.


LO: I am learning to create a fact file all about the scientist William Harvey.

Use the following websites to create a fact file all about the scientist William Harvey. Your fact file must tell me as much information as you can research to show me you understand who he is, what he discovered and why he is famous. You can make it as colourful as you wish. There must be at least 10 pieces of information on it. Use the following questions to guide your research.

  • Who was he?
  • When was he born?
  • Is he still alive?
  • Where was he born?
  • What was his education like?
  • What was his family life like?
  • What did he discover?
  • Why is this important?
  • How does it help scientists today?
  • Any other interesting facts?